Congratulations to Dr. Katrina Maluf and her students (Robyn Bursch, Jenny Carmel, Ashleigh Carranza, Kelsey Cooper, Jayme Lee, Colleen O’Connor, Class of 2021) for publishing their doctoral project work in the journalMilitary Medicine!
Article summary: Neck pain is a common comorbidity of post-traumatic headache (PTH) and has several functional implications. This investigation of Veterans with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and PTH revealed that those with comorbid neck pain experience greater headache severity and poorer physical health and role functioning, despite no differences in emotional health compared to those without neck pain. Routine assessment of comorbid neck pain and associated physical limitations should be considered in the physical therapy evaluation of Veterans with mTBI and PTH.
Shahidi B, Bursch R, Carmel J, Carranza A, Cooper K, Lee J, O’Connor C, Sorg S, Maluf KS*, Schiehser DM*. Greater Severity and Functional Impact of Post-Traumatic Headache in Veterans with Comorbid Neck Pain following Traumatic Brain Injury. Military Medicine. In Press Nov 2020.