Mitchell J. Rauh, PT, PhD, MPH, FACSM

Professor & Director, Doctor of Physical Therapy Program
Primary Email:
Primary Phone: 619-594-3706
Exercise and Nutritional Science - 141
Website Links
- Ph.D., Epidemiology, University of Washington
- M.P.H., Health Promotion, San Diego State University
- B.S.P.T., Physical Therapy, University of Washington
- B.S., Health Sciences, University of Nevada
Awards & Honors
- 2024 Local Achievement Award for Physical Therapy, Pediatric Research in Sports Medicine
- 2023 Research Lectureship Award. School of Physical Therapy, Regis University, Denver, CO
- 2019 Clinicians’ Selected Poster Award, American College of Sports Medicine
- 2018 STOP Injuries Award, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine
- 2016 Faculty Research Publication Award, California Physical Therapy Association
- 2014 Faculty Research Publication Award, California Physical Therapy Association
- 2014 Faculty and Staff Award, Mortar Board –San Diego State University Jane K. Smith Cap and Gown Chapter
- 2013 Faculty Research Publication Award, California Physical Therapy Association
- 2013 Excellence in Research Award, American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy, American Physical Therapy Association
- 2011 Excellence in Education Award, American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy, American Physical Therapy Association
- 2010 NCAA Research Award, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine.
- 2010 Excellence in Research Award, American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy, American Physical Therapy Association.
- Fellowship, American College of Sports Medicine, 2007
Professional Organization/Society Membership
- Pediatric and Adolescent Running Research Collaborative
- Co-founder
- Pediatric Research in Sports Medicine
- Academic Council of Academic Physical Therapy
- Female Athlete Triad Coalition
- American College of Sports Medicine
- Fellow (2007 to present)
- California Physical Therapy Association
- American Physical Therapy Association
- Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Section
- Section on Education
- Section on Research
- American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy
- Executive Council: Secretary (2015-2021)
- Washington State Physical Therapy Association (1992-2000)
- DPT 830 – Cardiopulmonary Therapeutics Lecture & Laboratory
- DPT 822 – Interventions in Musculoskeletal Therapeutics
- DPT 889 – Doctoral Project
- Running Injuries (emphasis in adolescent and collegiate populations)
- Bone Stress-related Injuries (emphasis in adolescent and U.S. military populations)
- Female Athlete Triad (emphasis in adolescent populations)
- Sports Specialization and Its Relationship to Injury (emphasis in adolescent sport populations)
- Recurrence and Risk Factors for ACL-related Injuries (emphasis in adolescent sport populations)
- Sports Injury Epidemiology (emphasis adolescent sport populations)
Running Injuries
- Tenforde AS, Kraus E, Kliethermes SA, Fontana MA, Barrack M, Dubon M, Heikura IA), Hollander K, Kroshus E, Joachim M, Dias Lopes A, Rauh MJ, Chastain R, Harrast M, Heiderscheit B, Krabak B, Miller EM, Napier C, Roberts WO, Roche D, Roche M, Schroeder AN, Taylor-Douglas D, Tenforde K, Verhagen E, Warden SJ, Willy RW, Toresdahl B. Standardizing health history and surveillance of participants in endurance events: A modified Delphi consensus statement from the AMSSM Runner Health Consortium. Br J Sports Med 2024, in press.
- Rhim HC, Afifi T, Xu RF, Noble-Taylor K, Gureck AE, Barrack MT, Rauh MJ, Tenforde AS. Epidemiology of injuries in United States high school track and field jump-related events: 2008-2009 through 2018-2019. Phys Sports Med 2024; in press.
- Rhim HC, Afifi T, Xu RF, Noble-Taylor K, Gureck AE, Barrack MT, Rauh MJ, Tenforde AS. Epidemiology of injuries in United States high school track and field throwing events: 2008-2019. PM R 2024; in press.
- Stiffler-Joachim MR, Kuik ML, Krabak BJ, Kraus EM, Rauh MJ, Heiderscheit BC. Risk factors for running-related injury in high school and collegiate cross-country runners: A systematic review with meta-analysis. J Ortho Sport Phys Ther 2024;54(2):120-132.
- Luedke LE, Rauh MJ. Plank times and lower extremity overuse injury in collegiate track and cross country athletes. Sports 2022;10(3),45;
- Hopkins C, Williams J, Rauh MJ, Zhang L. Epidemiology of collegiate track and field injuries: 2010-2014. Ortho J Sports Med 2022;10(1): doi: 10.1177/23259671211068079; eCollection 2022 Jan.
- McSweeney SC, Gravare Silbernagel K, Gruber AH, Heiderscheit BC, Krabak BJ, Rauh MJ, Tenforde AS, Wearing SC, Zech A, Hollander K. Adolescent running biomechanics: Implications for injury prevention and rehabilitation. Front Sports Act Living. 2021;3:689846., eCollection 2021.
- Krabak BJ, Tenforde AS, Roberts WO, Ackerman KE, Adami PE, Baggish AL, Barrack M, Cianca J, Davis I, D’Hemecourt, Fredericson M, Goldman JT, Harrast MA, Heiderscheit BC, Hollander K, Kraus E, Luke A, Miller E, Moyer M, Rauh MJ, Toresdahl BG, Wasfy MM. Youth Running Consensus Panel Statement: Minimising risk of injury and illness in youth runners. Br J Sports Med 2021;55(6):305-318.
- Ruffe NJ, Sorce SR, Rosenthal MD, Rauh MJ. Lower Quarter and Upper Quarter Y-Balance Test as a predictor of running-related injuries in high school cross-country runners. Intl J Sports Phys Ther, 2019;14(5):696-706.
- Rauh MJ. Leg-length inequality and running-related injury among high school runners. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2018;13(4):643-651.
- Baker RL, Souza RB, Rauh MJ, Fredericson M, Rosenthal MD. Differences in knee and hip adduction and hip muscle activation in runners with and without iliotibial band syndrome, PM R 2018;10:1032-1039.
- Luedke LE, Heiderscheit BC, Williams DS, Rauh MJ. Step rate and shin injury and anterior knee pain in high school cross-country runners. Med Sci Sport Exerc 2016;48(7):1244-1250.
Female Athlete Triad
- Barrack MT, Domino S, Gray VB, Cotter JA, Rauh MJ, Nichols JF. Support for inadvertent undereating in female adolescent athletes with clinical indicators of low energy availability. J Sci Med Sport 2023;26(6):285-290.PMID: 37248163 DOI: 1016/j.jsams.2023.04.003.
- Barrack MT, Van Loan MD, Rauh M, Nichols JF. Disordered eating and development of menstrual irregularity, reduced bone mass change after a 3-year follow-up in female adolescent endurance runners. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab 2021;31 (4):337-344.
- Barrack MT, Gibbs J, De Souza MJ, Williams N, Nichols J, Rauh MJ, Nattiv A. Bone stress injury and relationships between single and combined Female Athlete Triad risk factors. Am J Sports Med 2014;42(4):949-958.
- Rauh MJ, Barrack MT, Nichols JF. Associations between the female athlete triad and injury among high school runners. Intl J Sports Phys Ther 2014;9(6):948-958.
- Gibbs JC, Nattiv A, Barrack MT, Williams NI, Rauh MJ, Nichols JF, De Souza MJ. Low bone density risk is higher in exercising women with multiple Female Athlete Triad risk factors. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2014;46(1):167-176.
- Thein-Nissenbaum JM, Rauh MJ, Carr KE, Loud KJ, McGuine TA. Associations between disordered eating, menstrual dysfunction and musculoskeletal injury among female high school athletes. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2011;41(2):60-69.
- Rauh MJ, Nichols JF, Barrack MT. Relationship between injury and disordered eating, menstrual irregularity, and low BMD among high school athletes. J Athl Train 2010;45(3):243-252.
- Nichols JF, Rauh MJ, Lawson M, Ji M, Barkai HS. Prevalence of the female athlete triad syndrome among high school athletes. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2006;160(2):137-142.
Bone Stress-related Injuries
- Rauh MJ, Macera CA, Trone DW, Reis JP, Shaffer RA. Static anatomic measures predict selected lower extremity overuse injuries in female military recruits. Mil Med 2010;175(5):329-335.
- Rauh MJ, Macera CA, Trone DW, Shaffer RA, Brodine SK. Epidemiology of stress fracture and overuse injury in women recruits. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2006;38(9):1571-1577.
Sports Specialization and Its Relationship to Injury
- Post EG, Rivera MJ, Robison HJ, Rauh MJ, McGuine TA, Simon JE. Injury risk factors related to sport specialization in high school basketball: a prospective study. J Athl Train 2024; in press .
- Post EG, Rosenthal MD, Pennock A, Rauh MJ. Attitudes, and beliefs of Little League baseball parents regarding sport specialization and college scholarship availability. Phys Sportsmed 2022;50(6):471-477.
- Garcia MC, Taylor-Haas JA, Rauh MJ, Toland, MD, Bazett-Jones DM. Sport specialization in middle- and high school long-distance runners. J Athl Train 2021;56 (9):1003-1009.
- Post EG, Rosenthal MD, Root HJ, Rauh MJ. Sport specialization behaviors are associated with history of reported injury in youth basketball. J Pediatr Orthop 2021;41(8):507-513.
- Rauh MJ, Tenforde AS, Barrack MT, Rosenthal MD, Nichols JF. Sport specialization and low bone mineral density in female high school distance runners. J Athl Train 2020;55(12):1239-1246.
- Rauh MJ, Tenforde AS, Barrack MT, Rosenthal MD, Nichols JF. Associations between sport specialization, running-related injury and menstrual dysfunction among high school distance runners. Athl Train Sport Health Care 2018;10(6):260-269.
Recurrence and Risk Factors for ACL-related Injuries
- Paterno MV, Rauh MJ, Thomas S, Hewett TE, Schmitt LC. Current return to sport criteria after ACL reconstruction fail to identify increased risk of second ACL injury in skeletally mature adolescent and young adult athletes. J Athl Train 2022;57(9-10):937-945.
- Toole AR, Ithurburn MP, Rauh MJ, Hewett TE, Paterno MV, Schmitt LC. Young athletes cleared for sports participation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: How many actually meet recommended return-to-sport criterion cutoffs? J Ortho Sports Phys Ther 2017;47(11):825-833.
- Paterno MV, Rauh MJ, Schmitt LC, Ford KR, Hewett TE. Incidence of second anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury 2 years after primary ACL reconstruction and return to sport. Am J Sports Med 2014;42(7):1567-1574.
- Paterno MV, Rauh MJ, Schmitt LC, Ford KR, Hewett TE. Incidence of contralateral and ipsilateral anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury after ACL reconstruction and return to sport. Clin J Sport Med 2012;22(2):116-121.
Sports Injury Epidemiology
- Deja H, Smith C, St. Peter J, Tuttle LJ, Rauh MJ. Health characteristics of competitive collegiate dancers. J Women’s Health Phys Ther 2020;44(3):97-106.
- Brumitt J, Heiderscheit BC, Manske RC, Niemuth PE, Rauh MJ. Preseason Functional Test Scores are associated with future sports injury in female collegiate athletes. J Strength Cond Res 2018;32(6):1692-1701.
- Beachy G, Rauh M. Middle school injuries: A 20-year multi-sport evaluation at Punahou school. J Athl Train2014;49(4):493-506.
- Paterno MV, Rauh MJ, Schmitt LC, Ford KR, Hewett TE. Incidence of second anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury 2 years after primary ACL reconstruction and return to sport. Am J Sports Med 2014;42(7):1567-1574.
- Paterno MV, Rauh MJ, Schmitt LC, Ford KR, Hewett TE. Incidence of contralateral and ipsilateral anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury after ACL reconstruction and return to sport. Clin J Sport Med 2012;22(2):116-121.
- Shanley E, Rauh MJ, Michener LA, Ellenbecker TS. Relationship between shoulder range of motion measures and shoulder and elbow injury among high school softball and baseball players. Am J Sports Med 2011;39(9):1997-2006.
- Myer GD, Ford KR, Barber-Foss KD, Goodman AG, Ceasar A, Rauh MJ, Divine JG, Hewett TE. The incidence and potential pathomechanics of patellofemoral pain in female athletes. Clin Biomech 2010;25(7):700-707.
- Rauh MJ, Macera CA, Ji M, Wiksten DL. Subsequent injury patterns in girls’ high school sports. J Athl Train 2007;42(4):486-494.
- Plisky PJ, Rauh MJ, Kaminski TW, Underwood FB. Star Excursion Balance Test as a predictor of lower extremity injury in boys and girls high school basketball players. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2006;36(12):911-919.
Stress Fracture and other U.S. Servicemember Injury
- Rauh MJ, Macera CA, Trone DW, Reis JP, Shaffer RA. Static anatomic measures predict selected lower extremity overuse injuries in female military recruits. Mil Med 2010;175(5):329-335.
- Rauh MJ, Macera CA, Trone DW, Shaffer RA, Brodine SK. Epidemiology of stress fracture and overuse injury in women recruits. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2006;38(9):1571-1577.
Other Details
Honors and Awards
- 2014 Faculty Research Publication Award, California Physical Therapy Association.
- 2013 Faculty Research Publication Award, California Physical Therapy Association
- 2013 Excellence in Research Award, Sports Physical Therapy Section, American Physical Therapy Association
- 2011 Excellence in Education Award, Sports Physical Therapy Section, American Physical Therapy Association
- 2010 NCAA Research Award, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine.
- 2010 Excellence in Research Award, Sports Physical Therapy Section, American Physical Therapy Association
- Fellowship, American College of Sports Medicine