Antoinette Domingo, PT, PhD

Pronouns: she/her
Associate Professor
Primary Email: [email protected]
Primary Phone: 619-594-3289
Exercise and Nutritional Science - 124
- Post-doc, Kinesiology, University of British Columbia/International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries
- PhD, Kinesology, University of Michigan
- MPT, Physical Therapy, Mayo School of Health Sciences
- BA, Human Biodynamics, University of California, Berkeley
State of Michigan Physical Therapy License #5501011514
State of California Physical Therapy License #298996
- DPT 802 – Life Cycle I (Geriatrics)
- DPT 886 – Functional Neuro-biomechanical Relationships
My long-term research goals are to elucidate the best methods for locomotor rehabilitation after neurological injury based on principles of biomechanics, motor learning and control. I seek to understand how different types of error impact motor learning of walking balance in intact and disordered nervous systems. Related to this, I am interested in the role of proprioceptive sense in the recovery of balance and skilled walking function. I aim to use this knowledge to develop and optimize the use of physical guidance and rehabilitation robotics in restoring gait and balance in individuals with spinal cord injury and in older adults. I also am interested in improving health and wellness of disabled populations using wearable sensors.
- Kressler J, Domingo A (2019). Cardiometabolic Challenges Provided by Variable Assisted Exoskeletal vs. Overground Walking: Two Case Reports. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, Apr;43(2):128-135.
- Kressler J, Koeplin-Day J, Rosby B, Muendle B, Domingo A (2018). Stroke detection accuracy of consumer-level activity monitors during wheelchair propulsion and arm ergometry. PLOS ONE, 14;13(2):e0191556.
- Kressler J, Wymer T, Domingo A (2018) Respiratory, cardiovascular and metabolic responses during different modes of overground bionic ambulation in persons with motor incomplete spinal cord injury: a case series.
- Domingo A, Al-Yahya AA, Asiri Y, Eng JJ, Lam T, SCIRE Research Team (2012). A systematic review on the effects of pharmacological agents on gait after spinal cord injury. Journal of Neurotrauma, 29:865-879.
- Domingo A, Ferris DP (2010) The effects of error augmentation on learning to walk on a narrow balance beam. Experimental Brain Research, 206:359-70.
- Domingo A, Ferris DP (2009) Effects of physical guidance on short-term learning of walking on a narrow beam. Gait and Posture, 30:464-468.
- Domingo A, Sawicki GS, Ferris DP (2007) Kinematics and muscle activity of individuals with incomplete spinal cord injury during treadmill stepping with and without manual assistance. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 4:32.
- Ferris DP, Sawicki GS, Domingo A (2005) Powered lower limb orthoses for gait rehabilitation. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 11:34-49.
Other Details
- Advisor, Aztec Adaptive Sports Recognized Student Organization (SDSU)
- Co-founder, Board Member, Research Lead, SDSU Adapted Athletics